A good friend and I were talking about influential writers in our lives. Since the 9th grade, when I first cracked the Summa Theologica I have been captivated, perplexed and enlightened by Aquinas. And so I immediately listed this Doctor of the Church when talking about influential authors. To my dismay, my friend looked at me and said he cannot see the usefulness of Aquinas in modern times! My friend, whom I consider very wise, went on to say so long as Aquinas answers “silly” questions such as, “How many angels can one fit on the head of a pin?” and so he has no place in modern thought.
I started to ponder my friend’s argument. Although I do not share his opinion, if he thinks it, others probably do, as well.
Do Aquinas and other authors like him matter? Moving into 2014, standing on the threshold of a new year, I cannot help but think they still do. As a traditionalist conservative, I believe the past is the key to the future. The wisdom and truth of old transcends time and is still pertinent to the modern age. Even seemingly silly questions are important.
Why does it matter how many angels can be fit on the head of a pin? Understanding the size and composition of an angel certainly can help the human mind to comprehend angels. Something so trivial is an important question. Although on the surface, it seems rather inane to make an inquiry in that topic, it serves a larger purpose.
To disregard the knowledge of intellectual giants like Aquinas would prove to be folly for society. Others who came long before us sought answers to questions we still ask. Why reinvent the wheel?
So, as we make New Year resolutions, let’s acknowledge this: the past matters, and only looking through the lens of the past can we more safely navigate the murky waters of the future. As conservatives we are apologists of the past, so let’s not take this obligation lightly. No doubt, 2014 will be fraught with attacks on beauty, truth and goodness. It’s time to circle the wagons and fight back!