sursum corda

By noon the Mall awaits,
though sad Isaiah warned
of orphans made and widows scorned …

the war we wanted disappoints

Gas prices stalled last week,
so squat new SUVs
ascend the crumbling clover-leafs …

the war we wanted disappoints

Let record markets quake
and cell-phones skip a bleat,
still Chinese shoes adorn our feet …

the war we wanted disappoints

Prime steaks on high-tech grills
incense suburban air;
both parties promise real health-care …

the war we wanted disappoints

As Persians strain at nukes,
wronged Kurds now lay for Turks,
and Chavez slips Big Oil the works …

the war we wanted disappoints

Take Google as your guide:
you’ll find old friends, odd facts,
and disembodied carnal acts …

the war we wanted disappoints

With cable for our vine
and credit our fig tree,
we’re free to be what we shall be …

miserere nobis

William Bedford Clark