I mean…no. Probably not.  But in this letter he penned for Sports Illustrated announcing his decision to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers, he offered some interesting reasoning.  Certainly, he demonstrated far more maturity than when he made his last decision–to forsake his hometown team on national television (although to his credit, the hourlong special did raise a lot of money for charity).  This time his decision, he said, was about coming back home.

The importance of place, home, and localism has been trumpeted by Rod Dreher, Front Porch Republic, and many others in the conservative ranks.  This emphasis stems from a rejection of the individual-state dichotomy.  There must be a space apart from the private realm but also untethered to the state.   By immersing ourselves in our local communities and its institutions, we develop this space.  These communities aid in the rearing of children by supporting families and foster the development of the self.  In addition to his desire to personally home, LeBron stressed his desire to raise his family in the place where he himself was raised.

The pull of home is strong.  Home offers and represents comfort, a sense of belonging, and rest, among other things.  And of course, LeBron had plenty of other unrelated motivations.  But his affinity for his hometown should not go unrecognized.  He wants to win a championship for his local team, raise his family where he grew up, and be there in and for his hometown community.  In that, at least, he plays the part of a true conservative.