In my previous article I have briefly summarized the points of absurdity upon which the immigration policy of the left is constructed. In this work, I am determined to continue the discussion by examining the first of several possible answers to the illegal immigration problem. After all, criticisms without solutions are like books without conclusions.

There are no easy answers to complex questions; however, there are plenty of easy tools with which the answer can be efficiently derived. Experience, as has been observed for centuries, is exactly the type of tool by which even the most complex, seemingly unsolvable problems find their logical explication. It would, therefore, be intellectually criminal of me not to mention (if only briefly) the dilemma that clearly presented itself after my unfortunate encounter with this pedagogue of truth.

My move to America eight years ago was a dream that owes much of its actualization to a staffing company that my step father ran at the time. The concept of the business was simple: relieve the massive shortage of medical personal in America by providing a large pool of sophisticated and qualified foreign nurses to the understaffed hospitals. There was, however, one factor over which the company had no control – availability of visas. At the time this did not seem like a problem; after all, any rational government would be eager to alleviate a shortage in a particular labor market by a healthy flow of professional legal immigrants.  Shortly after the 2008 election, the company had over 130 medical professionals ready to come to United States – every single one of them was denied a visa. The government has successfully shut down a job creating company while denying America over a 130 highly qualified professionals.

However, here comes the punch line – the same evening after the company got the news, the left was actively campaigning for amnesty and pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. In other words, those who are doctors get a “no” and those who “do jobs we won’t do” get a “yes”. Where in the world are our priorities? Consequently, allow me to make one rational and simple proposition – let’s make legal immigration easier and illegal immigration harder. Let us properly position our priorities such that the incentives work in our favor, and discourage illegality while encouraging legality. Logical, elegant, and precise – how about that for a start?