In Memory of Leo Raditsa

Ancient Rome and Modern America: A Comparative Study of Morals and Manners. No translator listed. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1914. (ARM)

Between the Old World and the New: A Moral and Philosophical Contrast. Translated by A. Cecil Curtis. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1914. (BOWN)

Characters and Events of Roman History From Caesar to Nero.   Translated by Frances Lance Ferrero. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1909. (CE)

Europe’s Fateful Hour. No translator listed. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1918. (EFH)

Four Years of Fascism. Translated by E. W. Dickes. Westminster: P. S. King and Son, Ltd., 1924. (FYF)

The Gamble: Bonaparte in Italy, 1796–1797. Translated by Bertha Pritchard and Lily C. Freeman. New York: Walker and Company, 1961. (G)

The Greatness and Decline of Rome. Five volumes. Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern and H. J. Chaytor. Freeport: Books for Libraries Press, 1971. Originally published in Milan, 1901–07. (GDR)

The Life of Caesar. Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1933. (LC)

Militarism: A Contribution to the Peace Crusade. No translator listed. Boston: L. C. Page and Company, 1903. Originally published in Milan, 1898. (M)

Problems of Peace: From the Holy Alliance to the League of Nations. No translator listed. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1919. (PPe)

The Principles of Power: The Great Political Crises of History. Translated by Theodore R. Jaeckel. New York: Arno Press, 1971. Originally published in New York in 1942. (PPo)

The Ruin of the Ancient Civilization and the Triumph of Christianity: With Some Considerations of Conditions in the Europe of Today. Translated by Hon. Lady Whitehead. 1921. (RAC)

The Reconstruction of Europe: Talleyrand and the Congress of Vienna, 1814–1815. No translator listed. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1963. Originally published in Paris, 1940. (RE)

The Two French Revolutions, 1789–1796. Translated by Samuel J. Hurwitz. New York: Basic Books, 1968. (TFR)

The Unity of the World. Translated by Howard Coxe. New York: Boni and Boni, 1930. (UW)

The Women of the Caesars. Translated by Christian Gauss. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1925.(WC)

Words to the Deaf: An Historian Contemplates His Age. Translated by Ben Ray Redman. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. (WD)

Guglielmo Ferrero (1871–1942), Italian historian, culture critic, and novelist, dedicated his life to the diagnosis of two modern phenomena: the new civilization of “”quantity,”” which acknowledged no limits to the scope of human desires, and the new tyranny, “”totalitarianism,”” which acknowledged no limits to the scope of the tyrant’s ambitions.

The intellectual culmination of these two aspects of modernity could be found, he argued, in German culture. “”In philosophy, law, ethics, history, in every branch of learning indeed, the German mind has, more especially during the last two centuries, steadily confounded principles and definitions, demolished traditions, confused good and evil, the beautiful and the ugly, the true and the false, in order to give a freer rein to passions and interests…. It appealed to the tendencies of an age which would submit to no discipline but that imposed by work and the state and aspired in everything else, in art and private morals, in religion and family life, in business, and pleasure alike, to an every increasing measure of liberty”” (EFH208–209). That is, the very Kultur that makes so much of freedom—as against materialism, Anglo-Americanism, and the commercial bourgeoisie—itself only exaggerated the worst tendencies of modern life.

Against this obscurantist trend, Ferrero sided with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century philosophers who might be described as moderate rationalists: Montesquieu, Vattel, Constant, Guizot, and perhaps (although he does not mention him) Tocqueville. Among political figures, Ferrero praised the American republicans (in contrast to the French); the story of how French politicians abandoned French political thought illuminates this contrast. Among cultures, he patriotically but not chauvinistically preferred the Latins, with their “”endeavor to define principles exactly, to prevent their being confused with one another, and consequently to lay down accurate and certain laws”” (EFH 208). Behind these virtues of Latin culture stands a Greek philosopher, Aristotle, “”the philosopher of limitation and order par excellence“” (EFH 176), who in ethics advocated the center between extremes and in politics defended the civic life of the polis against the sprawling empires of the East. The old, aristocratic republic of ancient Rome represented Aristotelianism in practice.

In this essay I shall offer an overview of Ferrero’s historical writings, with particular emphasis on his lifelong opposition to tyranny in the name of a measured—what he came to call a legitimate—republicanism. I have divided the essay into two main parts, corresponding to what I regard as the two complementary phrases of Ferrero’s career. Prior to the First World War, after a youthful orientation toward positivism, Ferrero concentrated his attention on the character of “”quantitative”” civilization and its implications for modern life. He found in ancient Rome an example—the example—of the effects of “”quantifying”” a previously “”qualitative”” political society. Indeed, his study of Roman antiquity led him away from his initial assumptions in favor of positivism and progressivism, by showing him the virtue of moderation, and the significance of that virtue.

The war swept away the monarchies, the last vestiges of the old regimes that still upheld “”quality”” or limits. In their place arose not only democracies but also such novel tyrannies as Lenin’s Russia and Mussolini’s Italy. His sharp critiques of Fascism in the 1920s made him increasingly unwelcome in his own country, and in 1930 he prudently accepted an appointment at the University of Geneva. He remained in Switzerland for the rest of his life, now directing his students and readers to the French Revolution and Bonapartism as the germs of the most menacing modern political disorder. His Geneva lectures, held on Thursday afternoons every week from 1931 to 1942, filled the biggest hall at the university with listeners who well knew that they were hearing not only the research of a master historian but the diagnosis of Europe’s heightening political fever of militarism and tyranny.

Because Ferrero’s work is now so little known in the United States—though there was a time when Charles Bear could introduce him as a man who needed no introduction to American readers—my task here is descriptive, not critical. Good essays could be written on Ferrero’s critical reception here and elsewhere, on the accuracy of his historical judgments on ancient Rome and republican France, and on his works of fiction (he published half a dozen novels). But those essays are not this essay.

Introduction: Ancient and Modern

In 1898, Ferrero wrote, “”We are on the eve of a terrible [war] which will transform Europe into a huge battlefield”” (M11). But victory in that war would not go to the countries most steeped in militarism. “”[T]he State which proves strongest in war is that in which morals and life at ordinary times are the furthest removed from the cruelty, egoism, and violence which during war become the normal conditions of life and action”” (M 15). The commercial republics, not the monarchies, would come to dominate Europe and the world: “”if men are wise, the age of Pax Christiana can now be inaugurated, of longer duration and more glorious than Pax Augusta“”; this “”fresh chapter”” in European and American civilization will be “”an unheroic chapter””—bourgeois to the core—but “”let us earnestly hope, a less lugubrious and less bloody chapter”” (M 320).

As evidence of the military superiority of commercial republicanism over old-regime militarism, Ferrero pointed to the Spanish-American War. With “”calm resolution,”” America waged “”a truly cheerful war”” against Spain (M35). “”The mercantile American Government, composed entirely of bourgeoisie, presided over by a former tradesman (President William McKinley), knew how to prepare for conflict, to measure the forces necessary, and to deal the blow with certainty at the proper moment.”” The Spanish government, despite its “”military character and tradition,”” was powerless (M 37).

Spanish society was “”formed, not on principles of liberty, but of protection.”” The Spanish state protects a favored few, excluding the many from the opportunity to enjoy just reward for labor. Hence “”the ideal of every Spanish middle-class youth”” is “”to be an official at Madrid, to work little…to go to bed late, get up late in the morning, go to business late, and leave it early without having done much work”” (M 39). In war, Spanish policy made soldiers fight by “”placing them between two dangers, of which war is the lesser, and of keeping up their failing courage with the fear of punishment and the threat of the penal code for deserters and cowards”” (M44). There were no happy warriors among the troops of Spain. In attempting to accommodate and direct the rising middle classes, old-regime Spain produced only lazy employees of the central state and spiritless soldiers.

American society was formed on liberty. The educational system was not designed to exclude people from employment. “”Let him who can do a thing well step forward and do it, no one will question where he learnt it: such is the degree required of an American engineer, barrister, clerk, or employee”” (M19). The American can change careers many times; “”he is never a victim of the tyranny of a choice made once for all his whole life, often whilst still immature; and he rarely finds himself in either of those two situations so ruinous to the middle classes in Europe, more especially in the Latin countries: the absolute uncertainty of success, and the utter despair of ever recovering from sudden ruin”” (M19). And so in war: if the “”larger portion”” of a people “”lives normally under such good material, moral, and intellectual conditions, that it can rapidly adapt itself to the situation of war by a conscious effort of will directed by a moral motive,”” then those people are likely to win their wars (M45). Far from being nations of shopkeepers, vulnerable to the disciplined militarists of Realpolitik, commercial republics fight to win, and do.

The American advantage over Spain is the advantage of the modern over the ancient. By “”modern”” and “”ancient,”” Ferrero does not denote temporal categories. Antique Rome displayed “”modern”” features—resistance to patriarchy, for example (GDRIII.216); modern Turkey was quite “”ancient”” in its ideal of “”a quiet life of absolute repose, idleness comforted by coffee and tobacco,”” its delight in leisured simplicity (M 139). The “”one great defect”” of all ancient societies, whether nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes, military empires, mercantile towns, or commercial-agrarian polities, was “”the difficulty they had in finding new productive employment for accumulated capital, a condition of things which was partly the cause and partly the effect of the unlaborious habits of the population”” (M96). Except for mining, which employed slaves, there was no major industry that coordinated large numbers of workers outside their homes. “”If some fine morning an ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, or Greek, were suddenly reanimated in Oxford Street, preserving recollections of the world in which he lived, at the sight of so many people hurrying in the same direction he would imagine that something extraordinary was happening in London: a catastrophe, a festival, a procession, the return of some victorious king. It would never occur to him that all this bustle was a daily occurrence, representing the urgent desire and need of numbers to reach in time their day’s work, which rarely lasts less than six or seven hours”” (M99). “”Antiquity does not afford the phenomenon of the busy man”” (M100–101). In antiquity, wealth was not so much invested as displayed.

Pericles’ Athens “”was probably not worth one parish of London for wealth, and yet its temples and public monuments were full of gold and silver-plated statues”” (M 110). Capital stagnated and land accumulated in a few hands. The way to raise capital (and to acquire new land) was not by industry but by war; Alexander the Great forced capital to circulate from the East back to Greece, “”stimulat[ing] the energy, the inventive genius, and the greed of innumerable Greeks”” (M124) in the only way the ancients knew how to do it. The warrior was the capitalist of the ancient world (M132). War both builds and destroys civilization, giving antiquity its “”tragic grandeur””: “”its greatest monuments have only reached us in a ruined state”” (M134).

Modern life channels the “”spirit of conquest”” into business, making trade rather like “”a species of tempered war.”” Modern business is “”an elaborate machinery which in part serves the purpose indicated by the economist””—organizing exchange of goods and dividing labor efficiently—and “”in part serves to enable certain classes and nations to rule over other classes and other nations—in short, taking the place and function filled by armies in the past”” (M296).

Ancient writers deplored what they called corruption. The Roman aristocracy, bulwark of the republic, gradually sank in “”the mania for luxury and the appetite for pleasure”” (CE 17). Today, by contrast, much of what the ancients call corruption is termed progress; desires are liberated and their satisfaction democratized (CE26). Ancient egoism is modern individualism. Civic spirit has declined, “”children are not wanted,”” “”men prefer to live in accord with those in power, ignoring their vices, rather than openly opposing them,”” and “”public events do not interest unless they include a personal advantage”” (CE28). Laughing at “”the timid prudence of our forefathers,”” moderns make it “”a duty for each one to spend, to enjoy, to waste as much as he can, without any disturbing thought as to the ultimate consequences of what he does”” (CE 35). The only true discipline in the modern world comes not from governments or religions but from work itself. “”In compensation for the liberty granted him in everything else,”” modern civilization demands from its men “”a rapidity, a punctuality, an intensity, and a passivity of obedience to his work, such as no other epoch has ever dreamed of being able to exact from lazy human nature”” (ARMA 10, 205, 212–214). Vulcan wins Venus back from Mars (BOWN Part III, chapter 2).

But modernity presents a paradox. Having liberated all the desires, moderns no longer know which ones to satisfy. Embracing quantity instead of quality, inchoate desire instead of stable criteria of judgment, modern men “”must resign ourselves to living in a new Tower of Babel, in the midst of a confusion of tongues. The aesthetic, intellectual, and moral confusion of our times is the price nature exacts for the treasures which she is obliged to resign into our power”” (ARMA 14). As always for Ferrero, it is one thing to conquer, another to govern. The technological conquest of nature means that moderns have turned the desire to know away from disinterested love of truth, intellectual curiosity, and toward the service of impatient, contradictory desires. “”Even scientists nowadays want to see their discoveries turned into money”” (ARMA 172). If work is our only discipline, money is our only authority; the distinction between freeborn citizen and slave disappears, replaced by the distinction between rich and poor (ARMA 106–108). In this new social conflict, the confused upper and middle classes suffer the disadvantage of rulers who do not know what they rule for, a dilemma the aristocratic slaveholders of antiquity seldom faced.

In the years before the First World War, then, Ferrero concerned himself with the question of how commercial republican civilization—the “”American”” or “”New World”” civilization whose triumph over the old monarchies he foresaw—could be saved from “”a sort of opulent barbarism”” (ARMA 129). The American idea of progress, spreading rapidly in Europe, especially in “”nations like Germany””—which combined the old aristocratic militarism/ monarchism and the new commercialism and industrialism in an ominous way—apparently led to a universalization of King Midas’ dilemma, whereby the sovereigns see riches all around them but cannot enjoy them—what another writer later would call the joyless quest for joy (ARMA 131, 145). In this circumstance, Marxism is a symptom of the problem, not a solution; the “”civilization of machinery”” had appeared at first to be “”a death-blow to the working classes, a godsend to the upper classes,”” but a century later “”we find this civilization giving complete satisfaction only to the workmen, because it contents the workmen only from the double point of view of quantity and quality””; the upper classes have immense wealth but no idea how to enjoy it (ARMA 194–195; see also BOWN 236). Worse, “”in this unbridled and limitless chase after money and enjoyment…the spirit of charity is obscured; and men’s minds become accustomed to a hardness and brutality which may perhaps one day startle the world in a disagreeable and terrible way”” (ARMA 217).

Given this critique of both “”ancient”” and “”modern,”” Ferrero must reject any nostalgia for the past—””we are not inclined to abjure railways and telegraphs”” or “”to run the risk of famine, which was such an ever-present one to the civilizations of the past”” (ARMA 172). Europeans must learn that the age of limitless desires has in fact limits, namely, the absence of deliberation, of taste, of discernment, of fine art, real religion, and disinterested study. Quantity and quality cannot be maximized simultaneously (BOWN 273). That is the first lesson, for modern men, in the ancient school of limits, of moderation.

It was to reinforce this lesson of moderation that Ferrero turned to the exposition of Roman history. Prior to the First World War, his major historical work centered on Rome, and particularly on the first Caesars. After the war, with the old monarchies gone and the new tyrannies of fascism and communism having commenced, he turned to the French Revolution and Bonapartism as the best lenses for understanding modernity. He died before the commercial republics had defeated the new tyrannies. His pre-war Roman books thus in some respects speak to our circumstances today even more directly than his later books do.


Ancient Rome

Republicanism and Caesarism. Ferrero regards Rome as a universal and eternal city in the sense that it presents “”all the essential phenomena of social life””; “”every new age has only to choose that part which most resembles it, to find its own self”” (CE 242–243; see also GDR I.v). Ferrero takes aim at the German historian Theodor Mommsen who conceived of Roman history as the conflict between republicanism and monarchism, applauding the triumph of the Caesars. Repelled by the French Revolution, Mommsen looked to Caesarism as a model for putting the republican genius, or demon, back in the bottle. Against Mommsen, whose interests Ferrero describes as “”purely political,”” Ferrero undertakes a “”psychological and moral account of the Romans.”” He means not a Freudian other analytic approach but an assessment of the political intentions of Roman statesmen. He also explicitly rejects the accounts of economic determinists (GDR I.v–vi; CE v).

Ferrero refutes Mommsen’s claim that the Caesars were monarchists out to revolutionize a dying republic. The Caesars were, rather, dictators not unlike those of the Latin America of Ferrero’s time-men arising from republics in crisis. The Ceasars did not replace the central Roman institution, the Senate, which continued to govern the Empire well into the first century A.D. (ARMA 35; RAC 13). Equally, Ferrero refutes the claims of modern republican historians who, seizing upon “”the absurd tales told by Suetonius and Tacitus about the family of the Caesars, through preconceived hate for the monarchy,”” blacken the reputation of Caesarism, even as Mommsen whitewashed it. The real accomplishment of the Caesars was not to end the republic, for good or evil; it was to take possession of Gaul, and thus unwittingly to inaugurate Europe (GDR V. iii–iv; CE 72–73).

Ferrero particularly commends the study of Roman history to Americans, north and south. “”Ancient Rome ought to live daily in the mind of the new social classes that lead onward,”” lest they too end as victims of barbarism. As heirs of republicanism, they must understand republicanism’s weaknesses and strengths (CE 258–259, 263–264). They must understand, as Mommsen does not, the profoundly unbureaucratic character of republicanism, including the republicanism of the Caesars; Caesar Augustus, for example, several times liquidated the Empire’s debt out of his own pocket (ARMA 26, 29, 31; GDR II.80). Roman studies can refine Anglo-Saxon and German minds, and especially those minds that will rule their nations, with the civilized influence of Latinity (CE vi–vii, 256–257). More important, the study of Roman history can “”train the men who govern nations to discern more clearly than may be possible from their own environments the truth underlying the legends.”” Legends do not come down to us from “”the dawn of history.”” On the contrary, they are always being spun. “”A great man of state is distinguished from a mediocre by his greater ability to divine the real in his world of action beneath its superfice of confused legends; by his greater ability to discriminate in everything that is true from what is merely apparently true, in the prestige of states and institutions, in the force of parties, in the energy attributed to certain men, in the purposes claimed by parties and men, often different from their designs”” (CE 65–67). By challenging partisan accounts, ancient and modern, Ferrero sets his reader on the way to combining learning and statesmanship. By pointing to the unintended consequences of the most herculean feats of the most prominent statesman, Ferrero also shows his reader, the future statesman, that a certain humility should go with learning and rulership. The Machiavellian fantasy of mastering Fortuna ought to be resisted; the wheel of destiny turns by a mysterious law, alike for families and for peoples: those in high position may fall; those in low, may rise.”” This, he evidently thinks, is a particularly wholesome notion with which to impress Americans, who will lead the empire of commercial republicanism (CE 98–99).

The Roman republicanism that Julius Caesar sought to save, not destroy, had its social basis in a patriarchal aristocracy. The modern, individualist notion of matrimony and family as supports for personal happiness was “”alien to the Roman mind, which conceived of these from an essentially political and social point of view.”” Aristocratic Roman matrons supported their own social position and their husbands’ political careers by administering the household—the center of the ancient economy—and by adding their dowers to the household budget. The self-sufficiency of that household gave aristocrats the economic independence upon which political independence rested. In such a structure, marriage was scarcely to be entrusted to “”passion mobile as the sea,”” but to the prudential judgment of parents. (WC 15, 31–32; ARMA 68). The household’s day-to-day ruler, the matron, “”a free-born woman of irreproachable habits, could live with a man only in the capacity of his legitimate wife. A marriage ceremony did not make a marriage; virtue did. A dissolute woman was by law a concubine; no ceremony could make her anything more than that”” (ARMA 73–74). More than an economic unit, the aristocratic family was also a school, specifically, a military school in which a father served as “”the first military instructor of his sons,”” and undertook “”the duty of making good soldiers out of them.”” Such early instruction made the aristocracy the indispensable source of military officers for the Roman empire, which of course began early in the life of the republican regime. “”In short, the ancient family was a sort of political society. Its members were bound to support each other in difficult and dangerous contingencies,”” and also in everyday contingencies. The virtue of both partners was at a premium because the ancient world was a dangerous place (ARMA 66). (The “”woman question”” in modernity looks quite different because modern, democratic, principles require equality under the law, and because modern society no longer centers economic or military life in the household. Ferrero has no objection to the modern liberation of women, but cautions that women will need to take greater responsibilities in order to balance their increased personal freedom. The worst of both worlds would be the liberation of women into a world of hedonism, where women would wield power only so long as their beauty lasted [WC 40–41].)

By Caesar’s time the Roman aristocracy had declined. The title of Ferrero’s major book on Rome, The Greatness and Decline of Rome, echoes Montesquieu’s The Greatness of the Romans and Their Decadence. Ferrero agrees with his great liberal predecessor that Roman republicanism declined because empire corrupted the aristocrats. “”Rome, like a great spider, was sucking blood from the provinces””—war and its trophies being the only way known to the ancients for major infusions of income. The rich turned increasingly to “”the passion for amusing and good feeding,”” and infected the whole community with it (GDR I.140). The Caesars found a polity still largely republican, yet  tending socially toward monarchy, a polity racked by contradictory desires for virtue and vice. The republic still possessed considerable vitality. Above all, the discipline of the Roman constitution, and the reverence Romans felt toward it, and its “”impersonal authority of law and custom,”” remained—weaker than it had been, but still strong (GDR I.5–6, 327; III.18; CE 136–137). “”It was during this slow decomposition of the military, agricultural, and aristocratic society, which began after Rome had won the supreme power in the Mediterranean, and through the working of the forces of commerce and capitalism, that Roman Imperialism, as we now know it, was called into being”” (GDR I.43). Ferrero compares this process to that undergone by England and France in the nineteenth century, North Italy and Germany since 1848, and the United States between the founding and the Civil War (GDR I.344–345). The first attempt to counteract increased influence of the middle class and the equestrian order by the re-establishment of aristocracy-based republicanism was that of Sulla, who succeeded in establishing, briefly, not a new version of the old constitution, or an expanded empire, but “”simply a gigantic system of police”” (GDR I.116), a system that could not outlive him.

Julius Caesar, then, confronted an aristocracy that had assumed most of the characteristics of an oligarchy. As a student of Aristotle’s writings, he hoped to establish a mixed regime, balancing monarchic, aristocratic, oligarchic, and democratic elements. Caesar’s marriage to Pompeia, a woman of the old nobility, was likely intended to balance his own early democratic leanings (GDR I.219). This attempt to found a mixed regime failed. Insofar as he succeeded, Caesar resembled a Tammany Hall boss, not an Aristotelian statesman, distributing bread to the poor in exchange for political support (GDR I.250, 348–349; II.307). Because the so-to-speak “”embourgeoisement”” of Rome had nothing of modern industrialism about it—neither the organization nor the technology—””the struggle of man against man was far more powerful than the struggle of man against nature,”” a point best seen in the fact that the immigrant workers of antiquity were slaves and freedmen forced to come to Rome (GDR II.38–39, 41–43, 57). Great as general and writer, Caesar “”failed to become a great statesman”” because, in a time of democratic passions, the man who stands aloof may retire and write books on philosophy, but “”he must stray into the hazardous paths of politics”” (GDR II.344). Thus a book that appears to be an attempt to guide young scholars into the life of politics in fact warns them against doing so in such a time as the twentieth century. It would take a different, not nearly so literate or intellectual type to rule Rome.

Antony and Cleopatra. Caesar had moved to the East in the last years of his life, eyeing the empire of Parthia. The road to Parthia led through Egypt and its queen. With his principal rival, Octavianus, in Rome, Antony had to do two things: marry Octavia, his rival’s sister, so as to assure the Roman troops that he desired peace, and to center his activities in Egypt, that is to say, in his alliance with Cleopatra—the Julian strategy. Ferrero dismisses the legend of a grand passion, on either side of the affair. “”There is in our way of thinking a vein of romanticism wanting in the ancient mind. We see in love a certain forgetfulness of ourselves, a certain blindness of egoism and the more material passions, a kind of power of self-abnegation, which, inasmuch as it is conscious, confers a certain nobility and dignity; therefore we are indulgent to mistakes and follies committed for the sake of passion, while the ancients were very severe.”” It was “”not a passion of love”” that led Antony to Cleopatra but “”a political scheme well thought out”” (GDR III.255–256; CE 42, 46, 52). He needed the treasury of the Ptolemies in order to conquer Persia (GDR IV.3). He married Cleopatra, without divorcing Octavia; brother Octavianus “”was disturbed not so much by the insult to his sister as by the increase of power which the marriage would bring to his brother-in-law”” (GDR IV.8–9). For her part, Cleopatra wanted to marry Antony in order to destroy domestic opposition to her rule, as the Polemaic monarchy, the last surviving dynasty founded by Alexander’s generals, was now weak. With Antony as king, she would “”save Egypt from the fate of the other Mediterranean peoples, the fate of servitude to Rome”” (GDR III.240). These dovetailing strategies failed not because they were conceived in some paroxysm of erotic transport, but because they failed to reckon with the fundamentally patriotic and republican-imperial sentiments of the Roman army, which wanted nothing from Egypt (or any other foreign country) but subordination and treasure (CE 60).

The war between Antony and Octavianus “”was not, as historians have stated, a struggle for monarchical power at Rome, but was to consolidate or to destroy the new Egyptian empire; it was not a war of Octavianus against Antony, but of Cleopatra against Rome.”” The policy of Antony and Cleopatra foundered on the contradictory political need both to restore the republic and to introduce Eastern monarchism. When the couple arrived in Rome, it was a “”genuine aristocrat of the old stock,”” Domitius Ahenobarbus, who told Antony to send the Egyptian packing. “”Antony was defeated in this supreme struggle, not by the valor of his adversary or by his own defective [military] strategy or tactics, but by the hopeless inconsistency of his double-faced policy, which, while professing to be republican and Roman, was actually Egyptian and monarchical”” (GDR IV.74–77, 103). The story of the fatal attraction between Antony and Cleopatra was invented by the poet Horace, friend of Octavianus, as “”an anti-feminist legend, intended to reinforce in the state the power of the masculine principle,”” that is, a leading principle of republicanism. It exempted the Roman, Antony, from the culpability of genuine betrayal of his country by explaining his actions in terms of seduction (GDR IV.61–63).

Augustus. Octavianus began his public career as a tyrant, “”the abomination of Italy,”” which explains why the Romans tolerated Antony’s antics in Egypt for so long. But Octavanius’ depredations were only “”the temporary aberrations of a weak character, exposed to overwhelming danger and crushed by over-burdening responsibility.”” He reformed himself, becoming, if not “”heroic in adversity,”” at least “”prudent in prosperity”” (GDR III.33–34, 249). “”For fifty years historians have incessantly repeated that Augustus had secretly worked with unswerving persistency throughout his life to concentrate power in his own hands…and to use the old republican forms…as a venture for the new monarchy which he was secretly and powerfully fashioning. The legend is ridiculous…”” (GDR III.146). Octavianus adopted a traditionalist policy, first in order to gather support against Antony, but then, after Antony’s defeat, to foster the stability to which Octavianus’ fundamentally timorous disposition inclined him. Victory at Actium brought Egyptian wealth into Roman coffers, without the need to “”easternize”” Rome; under such circumstances, conservatism made sense. Public opinion favored aristocracy, not the eastern-style despotism that Rome had just averted. There was no democratic sentiment “”as known to us”” in Rome, as “”every leader of the popular party was a noble of the old stock,”” and their call on behalf of the people was for land and money, not democratic equality. The aristocrats faced a different problem: exhaustion after years of civil war. What was needed was what moderns would call a strong executive or president, and that was the office that Octavianus undertook to fill under the title of Caesar Augustus. This was an office commended earlier by no less a republican than Cicero, the enemy of Julius Caesar. “”The whole course of ancient history proves the tenacity and depth of republican ideas and traditions in the little Greek or Italian republics,”” without the memory of which “”European history would have been a counterpart of Oriental history, a monotonous succession of despotisms, rising one upon the ruins of another.”” For four decades, Augustus would attempt to restrain luxury, restore piety and traditional morality, and revive the aristocracy. “”[A]ware that imperial pride and republican jealousy were two sentiments struggling within the nation,”” he did what most cautious politicians would do: he temporized (GDR IV.80, 123–141, 152).

The tension between the mores of Roman republicanism and those of Egyptian monarchy became increasingly acute. Egyptian wealth came with all the refinements of the Alexandrian/Greek culture, the very opposite of old Roman simplicity. The Roman aristocrats lived in homes profoundly different from those of their ancestors; “”their furniture costly, their paintings of the loves of Venus and of Bacchus often sensual and obscene; was it possible that such houses could become the holy precincts of that old patriarchal system, with its austere duties and occupations, which everybody professed anxiety to reconstruct?”” Prosperity also fed the popularity of Augustus, and the people got into the habit of calling for his increased empowerment whenever an emergency arose: popularity was “”a danger yet more serious and constant than conspiracy.”” Thumos weakened, eros strengthened (GDR IV.169, 192, 194, 201–202, 207, 233, 255).

As the aristocracy gradually “”lost all capacity for government,”” a “”great puritan movement”” sought to restore the old virtues. Augustus sponsored a series of reforms intended to restore patriarchal authority, the most notable being the lex de adulteries, whereby a husband could kill adulterous wives, daughters, and their lovers; more, anyone else might accuse adulterers in the law courts, in which case the penalty upon being found guilty was banishment. Ferrero notes that this was “”a piece of class legislation”” aimed not at the poor but at the rich. Ovid’s Amores is an attack on such laws, which in practice led to much scandal without noticeably improving aristocratic conduct (GDR IV.216, 219; V.55, 68–73, 159–160). Fifteen years into his rule, Augustus turned to foreign wars as an alternative attempt to reinvigorate the aristocracy. “”Campaigns in Germany,”” he reasoned, “”would be an excellent cure for the softness of the new generation, and the most potent antidote to the erotic poison with which Ovid was corrupting the young nobility.”” This policy foundered in its turn on the problem of governance. Barbarians could be conquered, but to rule them after conquest required precisely the vanishing virtues of the aristocrats, who much preferred to remain at home and at ease. It was increasingly difficult to turn out a quorum for Senate meetings in Rome, let alone to fire ambition for a foreign post among the young nobles. “”Augustus remonstrated in vain”” (GDR V.131, 133, 161–162, 204).

Augustus’ own household hardly mirrored the desired virtues. Daughter Julia “”introduced a new spirit into Roman female society, which had hitherto been represented by the consistent austerity of [her mother] Livia; and worldliness, luxury, pleasure, frivolity, sensuality and skepticism now became the order of the day.”” Her adulteries presented Augustus with “”the alternative of destroying his daughter or of compromising his whole lifework and reputation by a monstrous scandal””; in the event, he had her exiled. But the project of preserving republicanism clearly had failed. “”He left behind him a hybrid system, the vagueness and confusion of which would have puzzled the most expert of politicians; the republic had degenerated, the monarchy had been strangled at birth, the aristocracy was in its dotage and the democracy was helpless”” (GDR V.247–248, 266, 332–333).

All this notwithstanding, Ferrero calmly remarks, “”the government of Augustus was generally beneficial.”” The imperial government was nothing like a modern state—””invading, omnipotent, omnipresent.”” Rome acted vigorously to preserve its empire, its supremacy, from enemies internal and external, and to exploit its supremacy for its own benefit. But “”for the rest, [Rome] let every people live as best pleased it.”” For two centuries, “”Rome continued in Orient and Occident to suppress bureaucracies, to dismiss or reduce armies, to close royal palaces, to limit the power of priestly castes or republican oligarchies, substituting for all these complicated organizations a proconsul with some dozens of vicegerent secretaries and attendants.”” The Romans did not build states, they “”devoured”” them, leaving in their place a “”regime of free exchange,”” with low taxes, more often at peace than in the past. “”The government of Augustus, in its anxiety to avoid friction, allowed individuals to work the lands, the forests and the mines of the republic as they pleased.”” The cost of peace and prosperity—in Ferrero there is always a cost for every good—was the decline of intellectual life in the East; corruption is usually a two-way street. As Roman virtue unbended, Eastern culture became “”embourgeoised”” (CE 212–217, 221; GDR V.333–338, 347).


Thus, even in decline, Roman republicanism and its empire staved off monarchism for decades. Historians like Mommsen, “”who sneer at the obstinate republicanism of the Romans, and regard the republic of Augustus as nothing more than a fiction,”” fail to consider the stakes. Romans regarded their polity as a res publica, owned by right by the Roman people, not as the property of a dynastic line. Finally submerged beneath civic indifference, this Roman spirit nonetheless endured long enough so that it could be recovered during the Renaissance in a Europe made possible by Augustus’ early defense of Rome against Egypt and his later treaty with the Parthians, which abandoned the policy of far eastern conquest undertaken by Alexander the Great, gave Rome freedom of action in Europe and kept the Parthians out of the Mediterranean (GDR V.34, 349–351).

Mommsen wants to be on the side of the winners. Eventually, in Rome, the monarchist-dynasts won. Ferrero nonetheless defends resistance to “”destiny.”” Had Augustus and other Romans not resisted the “”mysticism and the monarchy of divine right,”” Europe—if such an entity existed at all—would have resembled Asia, “”carryi[ing] the yoke of semidivine absolutism.”” “”There is nothing more useful in life than resistance, though apparently futile””; those who resist “”always succeed in imposing a part of themselves on the victorious power, and the result is always better than a complete and unantagonized victory of the opposing force”” (CE 225–226).


Augustus and Tiberius were deceived. They wished to reanimate what was doomed…. They are the last representatives of the policy initiated by the Scipios and not the initiators of the policy that created the bureaucratic Empire of Diocletian; yet this is exactly their glory. They were right to be wrong (CE 226).


In 1970, not long before he died, Charles de Gaulle defended his refusal to acquiesce in the Soviet conquest of Poland after the Second World War, a conquest France could do nothing to prevent. “”History lasts a long time,”” he said. He was exercising his right to be wrong.

Ferrero hereby qualifies his earlier attacks on statesmanly hubris. Statesmen do not control events. They should therefore consider themselves and their actions with due humility. Machiavelli is mistaken to imagine that Fortuna might be mastered. But neither should Fortuna be worshipped, because even the winners must compromise, and history lasts a long time.

The Need for Limits. In his writing prior to the Great War, Ferrero begins with the problem of militarism—more broadly, the problem of thumos. “”War took birth in a primitive and violent exaltation of the desire for emotion””—not for mere life, but for life lived intensely, a desire that moves toward the quest to feel stronger than any other man or thing. Although this flame scarcely burns in most of us, “”in all countries and in all ages there has existed a small minority of men in whom this desire was a violent passion, who wished to live a life more than humanly intense, almost, I might say, the life of several men”” (M 55–57). This passion is no relic of a lost age of Achilles. In modern times it may even be seen in the unlikely realm of aesthetics. In a book-length dialogue written just before the war, Ferrero has one character ask another why it is that, given the subjectivity of aesthetic judgments (a subjectivity admitted by most moderns), we nevertheless want everyone else to admire what we admire. The answer is amour-propre—political, national, religious, intellectual. Judgments about beauty and ugliness finally “”depend on force,”” and we want to exercise force; we want to rule, and some of us will rule or ruin (BOWN 71–75).

“”Nothing is more difficult to man than moderation.”” The difficulty of moderation inheres in the act of line-drawing. Every limit we set for ourselves is arbitrary, questionable, surpassable. And yet these imaginary lines are also indispensable to guide ourselves, to avoid a tumble into either lassitude or frenetic confusion. The unrestrained exercise of power yields the impotence of disorientation. Conventions are only conventions, but the need for conventions is as natural as a rock. “”Absolute liberty is for the mind what a vacuum is for the bird: it cannot fly in it”” (M 20; BOWN 166, 281, 296; ARMA 326).

Human resistance to destiny, what Ferrero commends in the Caesars, works in exactly this way. “”Destiny”” sets limits; there are in human life forces that overwhelm all human intentions and efforts. These forces limit those efforts. But the efforts also limit them. Human life itself is a matter of these reciprocal limitations (BOWN 328–331).

The conflict of the pre-war years was not, as Nietzsche would have it, between Dionysus and Apollo, but between Vulcan and Apollo. Productive fire empowered the human desire for supreme liberty and power, deranging needed limits. To re-establish them, one needs the virtues that follow from the indisputable demonstration that goods compete, that to take one desired object will diminish our access to another (BOWN 346–348, 378). Ferrero’s history of Rome illustrates this. In preserving Rome by writing its history, in attempting to get closer to the truth than Mommsen had done, a historian can show the need for limits both in the pages of his books and by example.

The New Tyrannies

The Great War as Regime Event. The Great War started because the civilization of quantity, in its peculiar German manifestation, overmastered the civilization of quality in Europe. This “”quantification”” also accounted for the scale and savagery of the war. Even more important for the future of Europe, the war demolished the old monarchies, thus adding political disorder to the moral disorder that began the war and was intensified by it.

In 1918 Ferrero asked the question that would haunt many intellectuals in the 1940s: why did Germany, “”a country with so many philosophers and scholars,”” nonetheless start a war without limits (EFH 31)? He concluded that Germany had attempted to combine the “”ancient”” and the “”modern”” in a uniquely insidious way: it retained monarchism, but animated monarchy with the spirit of statism and of thumos—the unmoderated exaltation of courage and patriotism. Germany “”had brought to greater perfection than any other nation [the] conception of progress which reconciles the idea of destruction with that of creation by affirming boldly that a people must strive to be great in peace and war alike, and that it is no less meritorious and glorious for it to force other nations to submit to its will than for it to conquer nature and to wrest her secrets from her”” (EFH 224–225). As a result, a strict political discipline served moral and intellectual anarchy—a sense of limitlessness, “”frenzied pride”” or unfettered ambition (EFH 31). “”A durable Empire cannot be built upon valor, unity, and passionate or even fanatic love of country alone; common sense, a clear intuition of what is or is not possible, and a sense of proportion is equally essential, and in these qualities the modern German is conspicuously lacking”” (EFH 36).

Ferrero finds this tendency to overcome contradictions by sheer, willed “”synthesis”” of opposites in the highest reaches of German thought. While supposing themselves rationalists of a new sort, Kant and Hegel conceal the incoherence of their thought by the pompous obscurity of their prose. Their project leads in practice not to the peaceful “”end of history,”” whether republican or monarchist, but to a war of all against all, a sort of phantasmagoria of “”deconstruction””: “”if thought insists upon being, as it were, its own jumping off place and on formulating afresh each day the axioms from which it proposes to start on its task of reconstructing the world from top to bottom, beauty, truth and morals will necessarily cease to be anything but a noisy game of sophisms in which each player, by an arbitrary change of principles, is at liberty to uphold the most contradictory theories—a game in which the final victory is won by those theories which are most flattering to the dominant passions.”” In such a culture, or Kultur, ideas serve not as limits to action but as “”spurs to the ruling passions”” (EFH 34). The most sovereign of the ruling passions being the passion to rule, the libido dominandi will finally order all the other passions—political discipline, called the highest form of freedom, will prevail—but at the expense of a loss of the sense of reality, of limits, of contradiction. The philosophies of almighty “”synthesis”” or “”absolute spirit”” thus incline toward the exaltation of victory: “”there is a philosophy prevalent today which glories in awarding the crown of merit to whatever succeeds, finding in the fait accompli its own implicit justification,”” instead of taking as its standard what ought to have prevailed (FYF xiii). This “”philosophy fit for slaves”” fosters a spirit of tyrannical conquest, ending in the nation’s self-destruction when the limited reality it seeks to overmaster proves recalcitrant to its boundless ambitions. What begins as an apparent quest for freedom ends in a submission to a supposed fatality. None of this is genuinely rational, in part because it abandons a prudent respect for conventional limits—an abandonment that the modern turn in philosophy effected, even as it liberated the desire for acquisition from the economics and politics of moderation.

The “”German”” atmosphere of European life contributed to the postwar rise of Italian Fascism. The only possible source of political authority in a post-monarchic world is popular sovereignty. “”Now that the great machine of the Congress of Vienna””—the European system of monarchies—””has been destroyed, the peoples have no choice but to govern themselves; a harder thing than submitting to government from above, but for the future an inevitable task”” (FYF 112; see also PPo 240). But when the people come to power in a civilization that has lost all sense of limits, they cannot know what they want. To be politically effective, popular sovereignty needs to devise means of expressing itself, that is, to rank its desires coherently. Without any traditions of self-government, a newly self-governing people might seize upon the expedient of a dictator-demagogue who appeals to the ruling passions of the moment in order to consolidate “”totalizing”” rule over a people disoriented by modern limitlessness (UW 64–65; PPo viii, 172–173; WD 15). Such dictators quickly become tyrants, violating the core idea of popular sovereignty, which, to be truly popular, must respect the right of minority opposition while allowing the majority to govern without illegal subversion (RE 350; PPo 177–178). The French Revolution saw the first modern example of the self-destruction of popular sovereignty so misconceived.

The French Revolution and the Debacle of Bonapartism. The French Revolution asserted the sovereignty of the people, but popular sovereignty is not as simple in practice as it is in principle. “”Who were the people? How could their true will be recognized? Through what channels could it express itself?”” (RAC 188). The revolutionary assertion of popular sovereignty in France occurred in reaction to one of the most “”statist”” or “”Asiatic”” regimes in Europe (GDR V.211–212). The people seized power, destroying the legal system of monarchism. The destruction of stable convention, of legality, made the ruling republicans fearful; their fear made them intolerant of opposition; their intolerance led them to coercion of the opposition, culminating in the political use of fear, the Terror, in order to assuage their fear. The sovereign people thus acted in an increasingly “”statist”” manner, but without the lawfulness of the (formerly) settled monarchy. (Gx, 246–252). The 18th Fructidor—””liberty imposed by force,”” “”the Revolution seeking safety in suicide”” (G264–265)—led eventually to the 18th Brumaire, which “”was not the work of Bonaparte but was carried out by part of the Directory”” (RE 10; G 288–289). “”Napoleon was a product of the Revolution; the fundamental secret of his whole policy, like that of the Revolution, was fear”” (RE 10). Like the Directory, and equally without the reassurance of stable legality, Bonaparte “”was afraid of everything: real and imaginary plots being organized, or about to be organized, to assassinate or depose him; discontent; criticisms; resistance provoked by his acts; the responsibilities which he had to assume”” (RE 11). In mentality and method he anticipated every twentieth-century tyrant.

The Revolution did not adequately apply the principle of popular sovereignty because it could not. “”The majority of Frenchmen, in ’89, had never heard of the general will or the sovereignty of the nation; they were still attached to the monarchy, the Church, the past, unaware of their sovereignty and unwilling to exercise it”” (PPo 102). Ferrero does not excoriate the French revolutionaries quite as neo-Burkeans do, decrying the terrible simplification of “”abstract”” thinking. Rather, he argues, that without a system of legal right to secure them, assertions of natural right raise suspicion, fear, and resistance—which in turn provoke suspicion, fear, and repression by the revolutionaries (TFR 117, 143, 184, 189). “”Marat could suffer when he saw a dog being tortured because he was not afraid of the dog. When he was demanding 200,000 heads, he was a man crazed by fear”” (PPo 100–101). Behind libido dominandi, fear shivers. “”Fear is the original sin of life”” (G297), Ferrero goes so far as to say. Rousseau has it exactly wrong: you cannot be forced to be free, because force depends upon, and inspires, the fear that is the antithesis of liberty. The revolution of 1789, intended to be the liberation of the French people along the measured lines of eighteenth-century rationalism, issued ten years later in “”the first totalitarian government in Europe”” (TFR 138). In the United States and, eventually, in several places elsewhere, popular sovereignty led to no such result, because constructive legalism set limits on destructive fear and force (TFR 5–9, 27, 55). Another way to say this is that the Americans never abandoned prudential reasoning; Rousseau, although attempting to overcome the fear-ridden monarchist liberalism of Hobbes, based in its turn on the fear-ridden libido dominandi liberated by Machiavelli and conceptualized by Descartes—fears and ambitions that sweep away conventions—cannot overcome modern political philosophy. And Rousseauian liberty in turn points ahead to the Germans.

“”Self-government cannot be improvised in a few months in a country accustomed for centuries to a centralized monarchical rule”” (TFR 62). Local governments in France simply “”did not know how to proceed,”” never having governed anything, before—this, in contrast to the Americans (TFR 62, 65, 70). “”The principle of democratic legitimacy, which should have justified [the French Assembly’s] right to govern, did not do so because this principle was not recognized by the majority of the nation.”” In the earliest days of the Revolution, Mirabeau had warned his colleagues in the Estates-General of precisely this dilemma. But the revolutionaries were too young, too inexperienced, too impassioned to listen (PPo 78–80; TFR 68). And so “”it took twenty-five years and oceans of blood to rebuild what six weeks had sufficed to destroy,”” namely the sense of legal limits without which tyranny takes over (PPo 85).

With such shaky support at home, the fearful revolutionaries had recourse to a longstanding strategy of statists, commended by Machiavelli: attempt to unify the country, to avoid civil war, by provoking a foreign war, perhaps out of fear of being attacked (TFR 38, 89–90, 107). Here too they contradicted their own (initial) theory. The eighteenth-century political philosophers had devised rules of limited war. The law of nations as they conceived it was “”a body of wise and humane rules, designed to prevent abuses of force in relations between states, which do more harm to the states committing them than to those upon whom they are committed.”” Underlying these rules, given careful expression by Vattel, was Montesquieu’s “”precept for all civilized people: that in peace men should do each other the greatest possible good and in war the least possible harm”” (RE 109; see also G 33–35). Instead of Vattel and Montesquieu, the revolutionaries embraced the ideas of the military strategist Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte de Guibert, whose 1773 Essai general de tactique advocated the synthesis of speed and mass, with emphasis on speed. Sheer energy, Guibert argued, could overcome slow-moving mass; speed doubles the force of mass. Guibert advocated a sort of kinetic neoplatonism, in which thumos—but now on the move, not spirit governed by stable forms—attempts not merely to rule matter but to transcend or conquer it. But, as Ferrero writes, “”although spirit is the master of matter, it is bound to matter as a sort of dependent superior.”” “”Spirit had slowly to relearn this eternal and simple truth””—the one Plato’s Socrates had taught by means of the gentle war of dialectic—””through new and terrible experiences”” (G88–89). The spirit of unlimited war had to rediscover, by experience, the limits of war—finally by the revolutionary government’s inability to make peace when it needed peace (TFR 224–225).

Ferrero takes Napoleon’s 1795 invasion of Italy as an exemplary case. The putative reason for the campaign was to establish France’s “”natural borders,”” a typical limit-concept of eighteenth-century thinkers. But the revolutionaries soon decided that “”to conquer the natural limits it was necessary to go outside them,”” to enter Lombardy, a territory outside any claimed border of France (G5). Although “”for a century the campaign in Italy has been described as if it had arisen solely in the mind of Bonaparte, the genius who alone could have conceived this marvelous plan,”” Bonaparte “”was simply carrying out in an energetic and competent way the plans, advice and orders that arrived from Paris”” (G10, 153–154). Such border-crossings or limits-passings Ferrero calls instances of l’aventura, the spirit of adventure. L’aventura is “”the force that impels man, at the same time impatient and reluctant, to leave the present and look for something better elsewhere in time and space”” (G31). Disciplined, l’aventura can yield real progress, undisciplined, it becomes romanticism, dreaminess; undisciplined and put into action, it becomes tyranny at home and the derangement of the balance of power abroad (G 58, 60, 62).

In Italy Bonaparte first experimented with the ruling tactics he would employ later in France. Endorse popular sovereignty while depriving the people of “”the instruments essential to sovereignty—the right of opposition and freedom of suffrage.”” To shore up his illegitimate rule, he descended into a “”mania for self-advertisement,”” “”conduct[ing] the entire press like an orchestra and ma[king] it into a gigantic gramophone that every day played the same record for his subjects and his enemies: that he was infallible and invincible.”” His administration became “”a machine able to manufacture enthusiasm,”” organizing “”mass movements into a state monopoly, taking them away from the parties”” (PPo 196–200)—Guibertism applied to politics. “”Revolutionary government, desiring to pass itself off as the expression of the free and sincere will of the people, must camouflage its despotism by a parody of freedom which renders its despotism ever more intolerable,”” provoking a counter-revolution as surely as the excessive statism of the French revolution had provoked the popular revolution (PPo 205).


What can be relearned from this adventure, Caesar Augustus had already known: it is one thing to conquer, another to rule. The Directory had wanted Napoleon to use Italy as a secure base for an attack on the real enemy, the Germans. But how to rule, how to make peace with, a revolutionized people? Bonaparte could conquer parts of Italy, he could revolutionize governments there, he could exercise what Ferrero calls the physics of force. But he could not manage the “”metaphysics”” of force—the unpredictable consequences of conquest and revolution themselves (G107). “”Just as the invincible army was going to spring upon Germany, the base of operations, northern Italy, slipped from under its feet and disappeared, dragging it with her into the void, the general dissolution of Italian society, provoked by invasion, conquest and warfare without rules”” (G222). “”The dynamics of events was stronger than prudence,”” once the prudential rules of limited war were despised (G185–186, 241–242). The reign of illusion continued, as Napoleon’s abortive invasion of Germany led to the bipartite treaty with the Court of Vienna, the secret provisions of which promised Austria control of the Republic of Venice, “”the most beautiful, the most civilized, the most splendid region of Europe””; “”the Revolution and the Court of Vienna had come to an understanding to eliminate Venice and to make the world believe that the peace concluded at the expense of Venice had been dictated to the monarchy of the Hapsburgs by the Revolution (G203–207). The regime of fear, abetted by an old monarchy, had ruined a regime of civilization, that is, a regime that had overcome fear by the cultivation of established customs and laws (G247–248).

Napoleon’s “”agitated career”” ended by deluding his own mind. His intuitive and impulsive character found its perfect expression in battlefield improvisation, at which he had no equal. But war, “”by diverting his mind to a thousand different objects,”” prevented him from developing his capacity for political creation “”by continuous effort, which alone creates the enduring in politics and art.””  His victories simultaneously inflated his pride. “”Napoleon does not represent that victorious force of will and human genius which knows not how to resist the folly of pride, and squanders all its energy to satisfy this weakness. He is a monstrosity rather than an example of human greatness, his power consisted principally in extravagances and violence.”” (M 180, 189). His belief, at the end of his life, that France needed a new aristocracy, only betrayed his ignorance of the social and political possibilities of a civilization now given over to popular sovereignty (M 178). His fall showed the world “”how weak were the governments created by the Revolution and the Empire””—””vigorous and enterprising”” to be sure, but lacking the stability that legitimacy alone can bring. “”Children of their own efforts””—Machiavellian princes who acquire territories by the force of their own arms, alone—they “”fell before the first breath of misfortune”” (PPe 26). The ensuing cult of Napoleon, still alive in Ferrero’s days, tended by Emil Ludwig and other historical popularizers, appeals to the domination fantasies of mediocrities (M 197). Such fantasies are dangerous when new would-be demagogue-tyrants arise, appealing to them.

Talleyrand: The Constructive Statesman. Bonaparte’s defeat in 1814 called forth the constructive statesmanship of the Congress of Vienna—more specifically, the constructive statesmanship of Talleyrand. Talleyrand understood that the imbalance of power in the European state system owed its existence to imbalances within the states themselves. International disorder issued from regime problems, not “”international relations”” problems, symptomatic only. “”In order to reconstitute Europe as a balanced system of states living in peace, it was first of all necessary to restore legitimate governments to all the states, that is, governments founded on principles—monarchic or republican, aristocratic or democratic—which are sincerely accepted by the peoples and faithfully respected by the governments”” (RE vii). Europe went up in flames because irreconcilable regime conflicts arose between republicanism and monarchy, conflicts too hastily adjudicated by force, which further shook stability by intensifying fear. “”Force of arms is transitory, whereas hatred lives on,”” Talleyrand wrote (RE 23). Europe needed not some self-contradictory Hegelian “”synthesis”” of historical forces, effected by the Absolute Spirit on horseback, but a rational principle, applicable both to regimes internally and to their external relations, which could stabilize European political societies and the European state system. This principle was legitimacy. 

Legitimacy is not simply a matter of longstandi