I recently came across an article entitled Shame on the IOC, NBC and foreign governments for turning a blind eye on Russia’s LGBT hate campaign. In case the title isn’t enough for you, it’s a dramatic piece with bitter undertones about the persecution of LGBT Russians in light of the country’s new “draconian” anti-LGBT policies. Now, I understand the lack of humanity on the part of some of these people is inexcusable. I’m not here to challenge that.

But it did get me thinking about how many Americans might interpret this dramatic portrayal of the “haters” as a terrible prediction of what will happen if gay marriage is never fully legalized here. Well, here’s a meme to adequately express my first reaction to such a thought: 

No but seriously.

Since when does legalization prevent persecution of the opposite point of view? Did Martin Luther King Jr. stop racism? Did Roe v. Wade make pro-lifers hate abortion any less? Haters gonna hate, and whoever “hates” is not going to be changed by whether or not what he hates is legal.

And this brings me to the broader issue that irks me. So often my generation is swayed by emotionally charged “arguments”,  often dripping with the tears of those whose rights have been “compromised”. Sensitivity and compassion are, of course, fine and vital to being human. But now it seems that they take the place of any real sort of dialogue or logic. This is dangerous! It over-simplifies the human person. It assumes that mankind has only one facet: emotion. We’re forgetting something: we have emotions but we also have reason. Hence, this problem is why the aforementioned article is probably helping to push forward the LGBT’s agenda to make all “marriage” legal.

And really, I don’t mean to be insensitive. But I’m tired of it.