For as long as humans have been around, there has existed a tension between our dual natures. Humans are individuals, and as individuals they have (at least according to natural law theory) individual rights which include, among other things, the right to own themselves, their labor, and the product of their labor. But, humans are also members of a shared society, and as members they have obligations to each other. Humans typically employ markets as the primary tool for operating as individuals and government as the primary tool for operating as members of a shared society. These sessions focus on problems that arise when government is “too large” and so impinges on humans’ individual freedoms, and when government is “too small” and so fails to hold them accountable for their obligations to one another.

All student attendees will receive a copy of the reading materials, lodging and meals, and will receive travel stipends of up to $350.

Email Tom Sarrouf at [email protected] with any questions.