ISI Chapter student leaders and on-campus ISI faculty fellows (called ISI Fellows) will participate in practical advice sessions but they will also join a larger group of students, faculty, and friends of ISI on Saturday for ISI’s annual Homecoming event, which is a festive garden party held at ISI’s estate and conference center in Delaware’s Brandywine Valley, roughly 45 minutes from Philadelphia.
ISI’s top 3 societies that have demonstrated excellence, deepened their involvement with ISI and exceeded expectations will also be recognized with three different awards during the ISI Chapter Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening. The awards include the Russell Kirk Award for Excellence on Campus, the William F. Buckley Award for Best New Chapter Award, and the Edmund Burke Award for ISI Engagement. Campus leaders and their successors must attend in person to be considered for the award, or must elect a representative from their group to come in their place in exceptional cases.
The event is for campus leaders and/or other students representing a group. Faculty advisors will also attend with travel and hotel coverage by ISI. Interested faculty from schools without an ISI presence are asked to nominate two interested students who can serve as on-campus student leaders if the interested faculty leader is interested in advising and helping launch a campus chapter. This annual summit will bring together students and faculty familiar and new to ISI to meet, learn, and share an exciting weekend with ISI’s larger community and leading conservative speakers.
Application deadline: August 20th
Dan McCarthy
Daniel McCarthy is the editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review and a contributing editor of The American Conservative. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, USA Today, the Spectator, the National Interest, Reason, and many other publications. Outside of journalism he has worked as internet...
George Will
George Will writes a twice-weekly column on politics and domestic and foreign affairs. He began his column with The Post in 1974, and he received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1977. He is also a regular contributor to MSNBC...
Johnny Burtka
John A. Burtka IV is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. He graduated from Hillsdale College with degrees in French and Christian Studies and earned a graduate degree in theology from La Faculté Jean Calvin in...
Joshua Mitchell
Dr. Mitchell is currently professor of political theory. He has been Chairman of the Government Department and also Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs at SFS-Q. During the 2008-10 academic years, Dr. Mitchell was took Leave from Georgetown, and was the...
Lord Conrad Black
Conrad Black is a financier and the author of biographies of Maurice Duplessis, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon, and his recent personal memoir, A Matter of Principle. He was the publisher of the London (UK) Telegraph newspapers and Spectator from 1987 to 2004, and founded the National...
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Michael Brendan Dougherty is a senior writer at National Review and a nonresident fellow in the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division of the American Enterprise Institute, where he studies the republican tradition in American political thought. His essays have been featured...
Michael Knowles
Michael Knowles is the celebrated host of “The Michael Knowles Show” at the Daily Wire and “The Book Club” at PragerU. He is also the author of the best-selling book “Speechless.”
Nathan Hatch
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Robert P. George
Robert P. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. He is also frequently a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. He is a former Judicial Fellow at...
Rusty Reno
Russell Ronald Reno III, known as R. R. Reno, is the editor of First Things magazine. He was formerly a professor of theology and ethics at Creighton University. His most recent book is Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future...
Susan Hanssen
Susan Hanssen is associate professor of history at the University of Dallas where she teaches American history on the Texas campus during the school year and the history of Western Civilization on the Rome campus in Italy during the summer....