Though it may be a hectic time of year, be sure to set aside time to apply for the many excellent summer programs available. There are dozens of generously funded opportunities for you to study the ideas of a liberty and responsibility and to develop lifelong friendships.


Intercollegiate Studies Institute Summer Conferences:

Build your library!

Deadline to Apply is April 1st
ISI is offering three elite summer programs for thoughtful conservative undergraduates this summer. You can apply to go to the American Freedom Institute in Alabama, the Leadership Retreat at the Russell Kirk Center in Michigan, or the “Arguing Conservatism: Rhetoric and Debate Symposium” in Kentucky.

Dr. James Stacey Taylor lecturing at an IHS seminar

Institute for Humane Studies Summer Seminars:
Deadline to Apply is March 31st
The IHS has a couple of mottos for their seminars including: Think More, Sleep Less and Vacation with a Purpose. These fully funded summer seminars bring students together from around the world to discuss the ideas of liberty. Thanks to generous donors, all participants receive a full scholarship covering housing, meals, and books. Students are responsible only for travel costs.

Copies of the Constitution are pulled out during the lunchtime debates.

Foundation for Economic Education Summer Seminars:
Deadline to Apply is March 31st
FEE seminars provide high quality education on topics and ideas that you won’t hear in most universities. They bring in some of the top minds in these ideas and some of the brightest students in the world for 3 days of lectures, discussions, and activities that will challenge your ideas, introduce you to new people, and leave you with an experience you will never forget. All expenses including tuition, housing, and meals are fully funded.

Acton Institute’s Acton University:

Application acceptance ongoing, but apply soon.
Acton University is a unique, four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free society. Guided by a distinguished, international faculty, Acton University is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and integrate rigorous philosophy, Christian theology and sound economics. Scholarships are available to make this opportunity accessible to qualified students. Travel stipends are also available.

Visiting with Michael Novak at Acton University

Mises Institute’s Mises University:
Deadline to Apply is April 8thInterested in an intensive weeklong opportunity to study Austrian Economics? Mises University faculty are among the finest scholars of Austrian Economics and libertarian political theory in the world. All students who are accepted on full scholarship receive complimentary admission to all sessions, refreshment breaks, a double-occupancy dormitory room for 7 nights, transportation between the dorm and the Mises Institute each day, and meals.

Institute for Liberal Studies Liberty Summer Seminar:
Registration information will be available soon.
The 13th Annual Liberty Summer Seminar will be held on July 27-28 in Orono, Ontario. Save the date for this unique pro-liberty annual event in Canada.

I strongly encourage you to apply for these programs. They are inspiring, educational, challenging, and exciting. If you know of other opportunities that should be listed here, please leave a note in the comments section.