I’m not sure the President’s team quite understands what is meant by “the Christmas spirit.” From Barry’s official Twitter handle:

Of course, it could be worse. You could be the poor schmo in footie pajamas:


This is liberalism in top self-parodying form. For liberals, nothing stands outside of politics. Religion, relationships, supermarket purchases—even the holidays: It is all circumscribed by The Cause. It is a “totalizing” system. Of course, liberalism has that in common with the twentieth century’s other totalizing projects: Communism and fascism. As the Soviet Union, Italy, and Germany proved, a totalizing system is, at its end, a totalitarian one.

Conservatives, alternatively, recognize that politics is only one part of life—and, ideally, a rather small part. At the end of the day, political ambitions are subordinate to religious piety, charitable living, family, community, and much more. Conservatism is not totalizing. When you gather with the cousins for the holidays, you can talk about what you want.

So have a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. And don’t be this guy:
